Connections Pre-K Sampler

Correlation to O Use this table tomatch obj Numer PK-1 Identify PK-2 Develop number PK-3 Identify of two s PK-4 Identify PK-5 Count t Match s PK-6 Write th PK-7 Order n between PK-8 Physica PK-9 Identify PK-10 Count a PK-11 Read al Geome PK-12 Identify over, un in front PK-13 Classify Identify PK-14 Compar smalles tallest, s PK-15 Identify square, how sha Identify PK-16 Identify Measu PK-17 Define t week, a PK-18 Identify PK-19 Particip PK-20 Estimat objects STATE OBJECTIVE MTP OBJ OBJ ICON crayon 14 Start with LearningObjectives bjectives, Pre-Kindergarten ectives to pages in the Student Book and Skill Builders in the TeacherManual. ation, Sorting and Patterns Student Book Skill Builders and sort by color. 2-4 1-1 an understanding of one-to-one correspondence and conservation of . Compare two sets of objects to determine if they have the same number. 14, 15 2-1 which of two sets hasmore or less (fewer) objects. Determinewhich 16-19, 44, 3-1, 3-2 ets of objects hasmany objects or just one object. 50 and extend a pattern using color, people, objects, pictures, and numbers. 61-67, 71, 4-1, 4-2, 4-3 72, 75-79 he number in a collection of up to ten objects through active participation. 43, 45-49, 52, 5-1, 5-2, ets of 0 to 12 objectswith thewritten numbers. 54-57, 101-110, 5-3, 5-4 117, 118 5-5, 5-6, 5-7 e number for a set of 0-5 objects or for a picture of 0-5 objects. 51 6-1 umbers from 0 to 10. Count forward and backward from any number 58, 75-77, 7-1, 7-2, 1 and 10. Find the number that comes next, before or between. 111-115, 147 7-3, 7-4 lly compare two sets of up to 10 objects to find the set that ismore. 151, 152 ordinal numbers first to fifth. 59, 116 9-1, 9-2 loud to 31. Order numbers to 31 using a calendar. 7, 113-119 10-1 oud numbers 0–31writtenwith digits. 7, 119 11-1 try positional words: top, middle, bottom, inside, outside, left, right, in, out, 1, 9-11 12-1, 12-2 der, on, off, above, below, forward, backward, before, after, between, of, behind. and sort objects by size and shape. Identifywhat does not belong. 12, 13 13-1, 13-2 how objects are alike and different. e and order objects differing in just one attribute: big, little, biggest, 13, 29-31, 14-1 t, same size; longer, longest; shorter, shortest, same length; taller, 33, 84-86 ame height; wide, narrow, samewidth; thick, thin. , compare, and sort plane figures: straight lines, curved lines, circle, 21-23, 25-27, 15-1, 15-2, triangle, rectangle, and oval. Slide, flip, and rotate shapes. Explore 32, 34, 36, 15-3, 15-4 pes can bemadewithin shapes and put together to form new shapes. 68-70, 73, 74 figureswith symmetry. and compare the forms of 3-dimensional figures: ball, can, and box. 37, 38 16-1, 16-2 rement ime intervals as day and night. Know the names of months, days of the 6-8 17-1 nd seasons. which activity takesmore time or less time. 99 18-1, 18-2 ate in a discussion about daily schedule. 5, 99 e andmeasure length and height using arbitrary units. Compare and order 81-88 20-1, 20-2 by length and height. cont. next page Step1 LearningObjectives

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